Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Like a Phoenix....rising from the ashes of good intentions.

Why hello there reader,

I wish I had some exciting excuse for letting this blog go dormant for over a year. Maybe we moved to Tibet and were too busy learning to milk a yak, or we decided to go off the grid and live under the ocean where there isn't any Wi-Fi. The truth is sometimes life just isn't that exciting, and it's just the day-to-day quicksand of laundry and crumbs that gets in the way. I have missed my little outlet though, so here I am, returning from the ashes of good intentions, ready to once again regale you with tales of my amazing life. Or maybe not. Only time will tell. 
So I guess in all fairness I should do a quick recap of the last year. Some of these things I will go over in greater detail in future blog posts, but for now I think a quick rundown will be sufficient.
I am still married, though I think I may have to change my husband's pseudonym because we are no longer living on a ranch, and we have sold all of our horses (yes, that would be "Big Change Number One" in the life of Blue). Instead he has been working as a medic, away from home, which has presented a whole new set of challenges in our crazy little life. I will go into that more another day though. We are in the midst of packing to move to a new area, a new rental and a new school (sort of!). Did you see what I did just there? I said "in the midst" so you think I am actually actively packing instead of writing to you in the middle of a half-sorted disaster. Ha, I am so smart sometimes. This move means we are transitioning a whole lot in a short period of time. We are embarking on a home school journey as of the end of this month. I am both excited and terrified (mostly terrified) about the daunting challenge of teaching 3 different grades of littles (preschool, kindergarten and grade 5) to 3 very different little girls. I think it will be good for all of us though, and three hours a day on the bus is the alternative, which isn't very appealing. Neither is leaving the house before 7am. So here we are, heading into yet another challenge that I am sure will provide entertainment to those of you that are sticking around despite my completely unexpected and lengthy hiatus. 
The girls have changed a lot in the last year as well.

Bookworm is now nearly 11 and fully entrenched in the preteen angst stage, training bras and all. We have a lot of door slamming, stomping and "not fair" in the air these days. She is still a lover of literature, math is growing on her, and she is as bossy as I was at her age. That's pretty bossy by the way.
Sunshine turned 5 this year and has really come out of her shell. She is a lot less shy, and really enjoys school. I have a bit (ok a lot) of guilt about pulling her out of public school but she seems excited about home-school. Like her elder sister there is a lot of screaming, stomping and door slamming when she doesn't get her way.
Stormy will be 4 in a couple of months, and she still exists almost exclusively in tutus and dresses. Smart and quick she is also brutally honest in the way only a preschooler can be.
Apple is not so much a baby anymore! She is 20 months old now and talking all the time. She still refuses to walk, even though we have seen her take as many as 5 steps at a time and our doctor has said she is perfectly capable of walking, just stubborn. Are you seeing a trend here dear reader? 4 very strong willed and stubborn little girls. One exhausted mommy who keeps telling herself that one day these character traits will make them great successes. I hope.

Lastly there is me, in the last year I have overcome a lot. I have lost almost 50 pounds. To answer the inevitable questions I did NOT use any miracle drug/shake/supplement/program. I did not sacrifice a goat under a full moon, lick a psychedelic toad or click my heels while reciting the Canadian National Anthem backwards. There is no magic. I just moved my fat ass on the treadmill until I looked like a disgusting drowned rat for 35 minutes a day, and tried to keep my food intake closer to a healthy person's and less like a carny. I fell off that proverbial wagon a bit but I have made a bet with myself that involves actual cash so I am feeling motivated again. It is, however, only day 2 so who the heck knows. I was also diagnosed with postpartum depression, which was preceded with a large can of worms, and followed by even more cans of worms. I will get into that onion another day, because this post is already starting to look like I am writing a sequel to Moby Dick. I just realized I have never read Moby Dick. What kind of a Literature major am I?!? 

So there you have it, a mound of excuses for not writing, a slew of fodder for future blog posts and the promise that I am back, like the Backstreet boys but with less glitter and more patterned leggings. 
Hope you stick around to read where this goes next!